I managed to move and organize all my stuffs within 2 days. Kinda tiring to drive three 90km return-trips, plus do the packing, loading, unloading and unpacking all alone. Huhu.. But the best thing is installing the new IKEA wardrobe! Best best.. dah la beli sendiri.. :))
The final result: I feel like I'm finally living in my "home". The size of the room is almost similar to my room in KL, so memang rasa macam bilik sendiri.
Grooming area..
Lets just hope nothing will say hi..
I love IKEA..
Hello, anybody home? Muahaahahahah...cool room. Dig the Ikea stuff...and what's with a whole lotta toiletries? :P
hahah... thanks! the toiletries are a lot coz i need it! heheh..
hayoo~~, byk giler toiletries, confuse aku!
there's nothing to be confused about it la katak cumil... just choose which ever u wanna use! :)
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