I cannot decide on simple things in life. I guess it must be due to the way I think, the way I list down the pros and cons of everything, which in the end, really makes me confused on which one to choose. I prefer to accept orders, rather than making orders. I often cannot adapt quickly in any environment. It usually takes some time (actually long time) for me to be comfortable with anything. Really bad at organizing, which makes my work tasks a mess. Have a really really bad memory. I need constant reminding from other people so that things can run smoothly. Names easily slips through my brain, which is SO bad for networking and communicating with others. And it's really easy for me to feel guilty about the bad things that I do to other people.
I really need to do something about this, before it affects the other things that I enjoy. Damn! I'm so dissappointed at myself. I really envy how other people handle their tasks/jobs/plans or watever. When can I be one of those people? How can I change and be like that?
During high school, I think some people look up at me. I got really good grades, and got offers from several universities. But later in university, I'm really not that good. In the first few semesters, my CGPA was above 3. Then in the final year, it reached just below 3. Actually 2.97 to be exact! And now at work, rasa macam lembab giler!
I'm just an average (or probably below below average). Watever happened to the old me?
I'm a biohazard.
Muahahaha...dude, you look like Darth Vader there! And hey, don't worry about being overwhelmed by work. Take it as a challenge to improve yourself. Make KPIs for yourself, so every milestone achieved, you will later feel accomplished.
And don't worry about forgetting names. I have that habit as well.
oh i think that is a really good idea... setting targets is better than having none.. thanks. :)
bout forgetting names, i guess i need to create a list & pictures of them.. haha.. macam serial killer la pulak..
Kerteh.. hmmm.. i guess your environment would influence your reaction toward life then.
I heard Kerteh is equivalent to "no life", betul ke? may be that's what causing your current misery on life.. hehehe.. just kidding.. honestly, i would love to live in a quiet town.
actually that is kinda true...
really beautiful & relaxing place... beaches everywhere, very east coast!
but that's about it, beautiful yet boring.. and everything (except the beach) is so far far away.. huhu..
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