Saturday, July 30, 2005

Kinky ke?

Hahahah... I just completed a kinkyness test.. Heheh macam dah takde keje kan? But it's the weekend, so acceptable la kot.. :)

So this is the result that I got...

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Btw, what does it mean by vanilla boy? Huhu..

Here's the link if you wanna try it..

Kinky Alert!


Muddy said...

The results are wrong. 28% is too low. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!

shobshob said...

hehehehe.... hey the result is actually 48% la... still low huh? hehehe

kepala_angin said...

i know what are vanilla ice cream and vanilla version for system implementation, but vanilla boy is something new.. let me know if you ever find out what vanilla boy means.

i think 48% is just nice for a Kertih-based boy. lelebih kang mesti kena buang daerah. hehehe..

shobshob said...

hahahahahaha... sinie mmg takleh nak kinky lebeh2... lagipun takkan nak kinky pasal beach sand kot? :P