Sunday, April 15, 2007

This Is What I Am Feeling Now

The person in the picture is not me.

At this moment, I am feeling very lonely. I feel like a loser. I really don't know where my life is heading now, and what the future has for me. My life feels so pretentious and without hope. I am so lazy to interact with my surroundings, since there is nothing much in common to relate to. I really really desperately need to connect with familiar surroundings, something that I have passion for. There is no point of being there but not enjoying the moment at all. I feel so invisible and I think people kinda take me for granted. Is it because I am not that grateful for whatever that I have? Damn, I am so fucked..


Anonymous said...

aikkk...knp ngan ko nie? what do u happen ned?

P/S: ingat tak kita selalu guna sentence2 camnie...?? ek masa tuh. wish kita leh lepak sama2 mcm dulu2 kat campus.

herl said...

aiyoo..sounds familiar..been there..agaknyer quarter life crisis kot (selalunyer org panggil mid-life crisis)..cheer up!

shobshob said...

thanks rough & lina... was so down last night.. :(

kr|nch said...

oh dear! no wonder you didn't speak a lot yesterday. Gosh! I wish i can be more sensitive in future

Kix said...

hayo ! been there before sucks sometime, but I always believe there's always reasons and the good side of it.... cheer up ! staying positive - kix

Anonymous said...

isk kix nie kan...dah le masuk guna dia nye blog nye id so orang leh nampak dah dia...lagik nak tulis kix kat blkg. kampung betul la.