At that time, I shared the bathroom/toilet together with my other housemate. Pening kepala jugak kadang-kadang, coz it really annoys me that I will always be me the one who gonna clean the bathroom. EVERYTIME.
I already moved to the master bedroom, coz the previous occupant moved to KL. It was such a big transition compared to the old room. There is a ceiling fan, a window looking to the front of the house, much bigger size, and the most important, a connected bathroom! Yeay! No more meracau-racau about how lazy my housemate is to wash the toilet. :)
Nice and cosy...
hurmm.. very nice picture of your room. I wonder why the room doesn't appear like that when I come to your house?
hahaha... kalau datang time baru bangun tido mmg la serabut! hehe.. :P
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