1. the fact that I will be on-call at least once in a month (each on-call schedule lasted for 24-hours for 7 consecutive days). The maximum distance from the plant is about 50 km radius. (There goes the weekend trip to kuantan & kl.. Huhu)
2. the job is really critical. Most of the works will be done during weekends or public holidays (when the plant load is lower), and each problem need to be rectified ASAP (kadang-kadang sampai 4 am!)
3. it requires strong technical knowledge! so i guess there will be a lot of stresses coming down the line.
Bile la nak boleh totally comfortable with this new job.....
Anyways, I still have some pictures from the Kerteh area, which i think are really nice and unique.. Enjoy!
Inside the huge plant complex.
Taken last wednesday before the storm.
Night picture of the "City of Lights" :P
Wow, your job sounds so tough man. To be on call 24 hours 7 days a week. What are you? 7-11??? Hehehe...by the way, the second picture is beautiful. Dig it. :)
i think u kinda salah faham la... the on-call is only for a week in a month.. but then again, it's still hard..
alamak, silap la... the second picture was not taken by me, it was by someone else.. huhu..
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