Friday, July 08, 2005

Bored Bored

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Is my life really that boring?

It has been quite some time since I last updated my blog and to tell you the truth, i really have no idea what to say (or in this case type).

Life is slow in Kerteh. Just go to work in the day, and after office hours go back to my house. Sometimes I'll drive to McD and buy some munchies as a reward of the day. But most of the time I'll be driving straight to home, watch Desperate Housewives(I downloaded from the net), take my shower, go for dinner, and later be back in my room. Thank god my room has streamyx, so that I can surf the net (which has now become my favourite past time). Before go to bed, I'll be talking on the phone with "you know who", wish goodnite, wash my face (so that I can put my expensive La Mer) and sometimes watch porn(Yes, I am a pervert).

Sometimes I think that my life sucks, but then again, there's nothing much that I can do? My very best friends are not here, my "you know who" is not here, and kinokuniya is not here. But I do have my PC, and my really special Rudy. :)

I guess we can't really have all the best things in life just a step away from us. Damn.


Muddy said...

Dont' worry pal. you're not missing much in KL anyways. :)

shobshob said...

huhu... but i wish i have more extra time in KL..

haih, biler la nak keje kat KL balik..

Katak Cumil said...

alah, cik dih nyer bunyi, birthday aku kau tak dtg, once TA dah abis nanti, give me a call, nanti aku organise mkn2 with my significant other and ur significant other!

shobshob said...

hehehe... sounds nice.. insya allah.. :)