Saturday, March 10, 2007


All you have to do is dream

Before I watched this movie, I really don't know what to expect from it. But I do know that the reviews of the movie were really good, further justified with all those Golden Globe & Oscar awards.

After watching it, Jennifer Hudson's performance as Effie White really blew me away! Such an excellent performance for a first timer on silver screen! I have liked her singing since the American Idol days, even though sometimes the way she sings can be a bit over-the-top. I think the best part was when she sang "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going", it was a really really sad scene..

Effie White crying out loud..

Beyonce Knowles was really gorgeous in the movie, but acting wise she was a good performance and not that outstanding (compared to Jennifer Hudson of course). Her character as Deena Jones really resembles Diana Ross, with all those big hairs and glittering dresses.

Overall, I will give the movie rating 8 out of 10 stars (based on Shobshob score card haha), for excellent performance by Jennifer Hudson, and the ability of the movie to create a really feel good emotion (as well as sad emotion), through superb soundtracks with motown vibe!

For more information on the original musical "Dreamgirls" , click here.

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